
Midwest Lifestyle + Travel Blog

Hey there

I'm Layne · 30 · Chicago
Out here traveling, listening to Post Malone, and trying to slow things down a little bit.

What To Read Next

Chicago, Chicago: That Wonderful Town


I've been going through my flash drives lately and I found a few photos that I don't think I've ever put on here, they may be on here way back, but I don't quite remember. :l
There are also random photos from my phone that will be on a separate post. 
I've been doing so well keeping my page organized lately and I feel like I'm going to mush it all up. ):
However, I've had a creative spark to write and I need disk space to download a writing program. Since most of my files are photos, I decided to post my favorites on here. 

I hope you enjoy. <3

This is quite possibly my favorite photo I have ever taken. I'm so blessed to live in such a beautiful city.

 This is the sunset from the Sears Tower Skydeck.


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